October News (Oct 11th, 2023)

It’s parent-teacher conference time! Please see below information regarding conferences and links to schedule a conference with your student’s teachers.

All conferences will take place on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday (October 30th-November 1st). As a reminder, there is no school on Monday Oct 30th and Tuesday Oct 31st; Wednesday, November 1st is a regular school day with dismissal at 2:15pm. Conference times are listed in the sign up sheets.

The fall conferences are designed to inform parents as to how their student has started the year, discuss progress and areas to work on in the coming months, and to provide a general overview of the student's progress. 

Please be on time for your conference and work with the teacher to end at the scheduled time. 

Early Childhood

Early childhood conference sign up can be found HERE. Teachers will be conducting conferences in their classrooms. 

Grades 1-8 Class Teachers

To sign up to meet with your student’s class teacher, please use the link HERE. Class teachers will be holding 25 minute conferences with 5 minutes breaks to allow for change over. 

Subject Teachers (Handwork, Eurythmy, MS math, WSRF music, movement, world language)

We are experimenting with something new this year. There will not be a sign up sheet to meet with subject teachers; instead, parents are encouraged to find a time that is convenient for them to stop by the Hall where subject teachers will be able to meet with you one-on-one, on a drop in basis. These sessions intended to be a check in and are expected to be short 5 to 8 minute conversations. Once you finish meeting with one teacher you can move on to another. The available times for drop ins are: Monday: 11am-5pm; Tuesday: 9am-1pm; Wednesday: 2:30pm - 5pm.

Student Support 

Student support will be joining class teacher conferences and will report on progress for each child who receives student support services. If you have specific questions for student support or would like to meet with your student support teacher privately, please reach out to your student’s teacher to arrange a meeting. 

The sixth grade is now accepting orders for holiday wreaths! Made to order by an alumni family, wreath sales support the upper grades class trips. Order online or find a friendly sixth grader in the coming days. Mr. Marchand and the class thank you for your support!

Meals for Teachers

Fall parent-teacher conferences (Oct. 30 & 31) are approaching, and we would like to nourish the teachers and staff by providing delicious meals each day. Please click on the following link to sign up - Teacher Conference Meals Fall 2023. We are grateful for all that you do to support our amazing community. Thank you!

Good Shepherd Program 

The Heart Committee of Parent Council will continue to support the WSRF community by showing small tokens of kindness and support when our community members need it most. Together we can honor faculty, support staff, and families that are experiencing exciting and challenging life changes like new babies, a big move, major illness or injury, passing of loved ones, and more.

We need your assistance in making our program a success. If you know of faculty members, support staff, families, individuals needing support throughout the year, please shoot us a quick email at goodshepherdwsrf@gmail.com or drop your suggestion in the Good Shepherd basket located in Morgan’s office. We look forward to celebrating and supporting our WSRF community with you!


Becky Musselman (Zane- 6th Grade), Alexis Jones (Sawyer- 4th Grade), Danielle Nussmeier (Wyatt- 2nd Grade), Brittany Conklin (Ty- Willow Forest)

Looking for contact information for playdates or school projects? The WSRF family portal has you covered. Point your browser to factsmgt.com, district code WSRF-CO, to find contact information for the entire community.

Dear Parents,

For the last couple of years, the free pizza offering has been given to one student each week as recommended by a teacher for an 'astounding act of kindness witnessed on campus.' 

We are expanding our recognition to offer one student per grade a free slice each week for an act or behavior that goes 'above and beyond' in some fashion - whether through kindness, service, or in their efforts in class. 

A special-pink-tinted canning jar is in each classroom and throughout the week teachers place a slip of acknowledgement paper in the jar upon noticing something “Above & Beyond.” Each classroom is having conversations distinguishing between behavior and acts that meet base-level expectations and are appreciated but probably not formally acknowledged, those that are below expectation and warrant correction, and those that go above and beyond, which may or may not evoke external reward or praise.  

On Wednesdays, 7th graders will visit each classroom to pull a name out of the jar to receive the slice of pizza. The winner will take home a slip of paper on Thursday afternoon letting parents know there will be a free slice of pizza on Friday and parents will also be emailed. All submitted names for the week will also be collected and noted for a potential long-term acknowledgement. 

The intention of the pizza offering is not to create a behavior modification rewards system for doing what is expected, but is meant to provide enthusiastic, positive encouragement for kids to stretch and reach for going beyond expectation, in the same spirit as the original idea of generating more 'astounding acts of kindness' within our community.

Please reach out to us if you have any questions or concerns.


Social Literacy Care Group

Who: Available for Grades 3-8, for beginners on up!

When: 10 Tuesdays 3:15-4:15pm from November 7 to January 30, 2024

Where: Ms. Kealey's 5th Grade Room

Limited # of Slots Left

Sign Up Now by emailing Roberto here

Even though we have one session almost complete, beginners can join! All participants will learn chess through a hands-on approach. Students will have the opportunity to learn the beautiful game from scratch and will be encouraged to solve various tactical and strategic problems from various opening, middle-game, and endgame positions. Every class will be conducted in a manner seeking to foster high order character traits such as: patience, self-control, curiosity, honesty, fairness, perseverance, joy, diligence and creativity. No prior experience is required. Each session will end with a Tournament! Fee: $109

Mr. Arundale is a highly active chess amateur, and in addition to his music studio, has instructed chess students privately in the RFV for several years.

Liesl Bellack